#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154



Check out our Employer of the Month and Tip of the Month for November 2024!

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January 15th Hot Sheet

New Year – new career or job? Let us help you develop your plan for sustainable employment in a one-week workshop series Monday January 20 to Friday January 24 (hours vary depending on day)! You’ll gain clarity on your personal strengths and transferable skills, understand job search essentials, complete your resume and cover letter, and hone your interview skills. As a bonus for completing this series – you have the opportunity to obtain a first aid certificate at no cost to you – a certificate valued by many employers. Limited seats available. Call 250.248.3205 to register for this FREE workshop series. See this week’s hot sheet for information on more programs and labour market information.

January 8, 2020 Hot Sheet

Are you a displaced Forestry Worker? Attend an information session Thursday, January 9 from 12:00pm to 3:00pm at the Parksville WorkBC Centre to gain an overview of the services to help you identify a path to sustainable employment. More information in this week’s hot sheet.

Blooming Lovely – January 2020






Tell us about your business/organization and what makes you stand out as an employer?

We are told what makes us stand out as a company is our uplifting, respectful attitude towards our customers and each crew member. We believe in encouragement which promotes personal development & the and necessary team spirit to accomplish our goals.

How many employees do you have?

We presently have 4 employees.

What do you look for in a new employee?

Primarily we look for a bondable employee who is physically fit, personable, respectful, thoughtful, willing to learn and with a sense of humour. Attitude is everything.

 What advice would you give someone who wants to work for your organization?

Again, Attitude is Everything. We all have to start somewhere. Learning promotes growth in many different ways.

Do you anticipate hiring in the next 6 months? If so for what types of positions?


What is the best way for someone to apply if they are interested in working for your organization?

Apply at the office, 250-954-3838 and leave a contact number for follow up.

January Tip of the Month

New Year, New You

Many of us set the bar high for January in terms of ditching “bad” habits and starting the year with “good” behaviour. While we tend to have great intentions, we sometimes forget that when it comes to setting goals, it is imperative we set goals that are achievable. Setting ourselves up for success builds self-esteem, which in turn fuels future success.

Self-Awareness vs Self Judgement

Change is often precipitated by feelings of not being good enough in some capacity, as compared to others. When we compare ourselves to other people, we forget that we each possess our own gifts and abilities, and each of us is unique. Spending time reflecting on what we enjoy doing and what inspires us is the key to discovering our “super power.” Tools that can help include exploration through writing/art, connecting with community groups/organizations that interest you, and taking the time to reflect upon previous positive experiences.

Set Realistic Goals

Research clearly demonstrates the link between achieving goals and building self-esteem. Conversely, failing to achieve goals can undermine our feeling of self-efficacy and have negative impacts on mental health. This is important to remember when setting goals for ourselves. Make sure goals are measurable and attainable in order to keep the momentum moving forward. It may seem as though we are setting the bar low for ourselves, however evidence shows that building on small success is more effective in the long run.

Acknowledge & Appreciate Your Success

When you achieve a goal, however small, take the time to pat yourself on the back. Tooting our own horn can feel a bit awkward, however it is essential in terms of building the self-esteem required to move forward with our transformation.

A great way to start off the new year and gain clarity on your personal strengths and transferable skills, understand job search essentials, complete your resume and cover letter and hone your interview skills is to sign up for the 2020 Employment Vision week long workshop series January 20 to January 24th.  As a bonus for completing this series you have the opportunity to obtain a first aid certificate at no cost to you. For more information contact us at 250-248-3205.

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm