#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154


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Check out our Employer of the Month and Tip of the Month for July/August 2024!

Tip of the month

April Tip of the Month

Staying Active in Your Job Search During COVID-19

You have been in job search mode, but now are isolating at home and unsure how to proceed. Sound familiar? Here are some strategies to help keep you active and productive.

While it’s true that the pandemic has left some companies with hiring freezes, staff reductions, layoffs or closures, other sectors are ramping up their recruiting in an attempt to fill vital positions. You may be surprised at how large the list of essential services is: https://bit.ly/2JqgkY7. Start by researching the sectors of interest, then types of companies on the list. Next research and target local companies within the industry.

Once you find companies of interest, be sure to research their websites and check out their social media pages. These can usually be found as icons at the bottom of a company website or on their contact page. Consider including a paragraph in your cover letter, about why you are interested in working for their company specifically, including information that will prove your research efforts, interest and enthusiasm to the employer.

Ensure that your resume, cover letter and any other marketing documents are customized and personalized to each company and/or position. These are living, breathing documents and not meant to be static, generic, or used for multiple companies. Want to exude professionalism? Brand all your documents (including your reference contact list) by using the same font style, font content/title sizes, and letterhead across all. Avoid the use of headers and footers, which are unreadable by many applicant tracking systems (ATS).

While networking by phone and email is still a top way to find employment, be sure to have job alerts created on all your preferred job boards (e.g. CareerCentre.org, WorkBC.ca, Indeed.ca, WowJobs.ca, Glassdoor.ca, Google) for the various job titles of interest. This way you are spending less job search time surfing job boards (let’s say 20%) and more time with specific, customized job search activities (80%).

When in doubt, reach out! Stay connected to your WorkBC Employment Consultant for support. Our team is working by phone, email and virtually to serve you during this time.

Stay safe and be well,

Employer Services Coordinator

March Tip of the Month

Networking, Business Cards & Social Media

Okay. So you’ve just come back from a networking event, like a hiring fair, and have a pile of business cards you’ve collected from all the people you’ve interacted with. Now what?

In the past, we might have input the information into our computer or phone’s contacts and emailed everyone a follow-up letter. While this is a great idea, once the initial follow-up email has been sent, that’s where it may end for a number of your contacts. Let’s face it, life is busy and out of sight means out of mind.

A more current method is to first conduct a search for your new contacts on any social media sites you use: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. (Personally, I check LinkedIn first, as that’s my “go to” professional site.) From there, if the contact has a profile page, I can research further about their experience, company information, and other links prior to writing my follow-up email.

When requesting to add them to your network, be sure to write a personalized message within the body of your request. A pet peeve of many is receiving LinkedIn requests that use the generic request sentence without a reason as to why you’re connecting. Be creative and personalize your message instead!

Once connected, it’s easier to keep consistent communication with everyone and keep top of mind with your network. You can message them, or when you see their posts, you can comment, like, or share, and keep the dialogue going.  Also, while you’re networking online, don’t forget you may want to connect with people of interest in relevant groups you participate in.

Happy networking!


Employer Services Coordinator

February Tip of the Month

The Volunteer Connection

Often volunteerism and employment, including job search, tend to fall into two separate categories in most people’s minds, and for many there isn’t time to engage in both simultaneously. However, for job seekers, and also those who are underemployed or precariously employed, volunteering can lead to actual employment. Indeed, volunteering can even lead to a dream job.

When we consider working for free, or volunteering, we tend to make placement choices based on interests, passions and a sense of ethical responsibility. There are so many great options, including working with vulnerable populations, animals, or environmental protection. Volunteering, for most people, is about giving back and/or community engagement in a way that really resonates with who we are and what drives us. What many don’t realize is that volunteering is also a powerful assessment tool, particularly if we are considering actual employment in a specific area, and especially if we are planning to invest time and money via education in order to work in said area. For example, having a love for animals generally motivates people to train in the field. However, there are likely aspects of a job working with animals that animal lovers may find difficult or even impossible, such as euthanasia.

Investing a few hours of volunteer time to ensure a particular career choice is a solid fit is well worth it, especially as the cost of post-secondary training is expensive. The cost of being in an unsustainable job, with stress and subsequent job loss is immeasurably high. By volunteering you get the information you need to assess whether or not a career in that field is a good fit, and you also get to give back in a way that is tangible and significant. It’s a win/win!

All altruism aside, perhaps one of the most beneficial aspects of volunteering is that it often leads to actual employment, and/or contributes to hands-on experience in your employment target. Many volunteer positions offer free training and all of this makes your resume significantly stronger and more effective. Volunteering also provides an excellent venue for marketing your skills/abilities, as well as networking to other potential employers. It’s a “boots on the ground” approach to your job search that cannot be understated! For more information about the benefits of volunteering, as well as resources for finding awesome volunteer opportunities, check out: https://www.workbc.ca/WorkBC-Blog/Read-WorkBC-s-Blog/Three-Benefits-of-Volunteering.aspx.

For local opportunities to volunteer check out Oceanside Volunteer Association.

January Tip of the Month

New Year, New You

Many of us set the bar high for January in terms of ditching “bad” habits and starting the year with “good” behaviour. While we tend to have great intentions, we sometimes forget that when it comes to setting goals, it is imperative we set goals that are achievable. Setting ourselves up for success builds self-esteem, which in turn fuels future success.

Self-Awareness vs Self Judgement

Change is often precipitated by feelings of not being good enough in some capacity, as compared to others. When we compare ourselves to other people, we forget that we each possess our own gifts and abilities, and each of us is unique. Spending time reflecting on what we enjoy doing and what inspires us is the key to discovering our “super power.” Tools that can help include exploration through writing/art, connecting with community groups/organizations that interest you, and taking the time to reflect upon previous positive experiences.

Set Realistic Goals

Research clearly demonstrates the link between achieving goals and building self-esteem. Conversely, failing to achieve goals can undermine our feeling of self-efficacy and have negative impacts on mental health. This is important to remember when setting goals for ourselves. Make sure goals are measurable and attainable in order to keep the momentum moving forward. It may seem as though we are setting the bar low for ourselves, however evidence shows that building on small success is more effective in the long run.

Acknowledge & Appreciate Your Success

When you achieve a goal, however small, take the time to pat yourself on the back. Tooting our own horn can feel a bit awkward, however it is essential in terms of building the self-esteem required to move forward with our transformation.

A great way to start off the new year and gain clarity on your personal strengths and transferable skills, understand job search essentials, complete your resume and cover letter and hone your interview skills is to sign up for the 2020 Employment Vision week long workshop series January 20 to January 24th.  As a bonus for completing this series you have the opportunity to obtain a first aid certificate at no cost to you. For more information contact us at 250-248-3205.

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm