#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154

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JAM (Jobs and More Update...)

Don't miss our Employer of the Month for March 2025!

Tip of the month

June Tip of the Month

You got the job!  Now what?

Congratulations, you got a job!!  Now what happens? Well, a little something called on-boarding.

The on-boarding process is a series of events that equip and assist a new employee to be successful in their job and inform them of how their position impacts the overall business. On-boarding processes at places of employment will typically follow a similar outline:

  • Orientation with a supervisor/manager to the workplace structure and culture
  • Signing forms related to employment, human resources and taxes
  • Submitting copies of your credentials, tickets and training certificates
  • Tour of workplace and introductions to staff and what jobs they do
  • Getting set up with the necessary tools, equipment and technology for your job; including passwords, alarm codes, uniforms, etc.
  • Review and commencement of the training plan – this may include reading about your job duties and expectations, shadowing co-workers to see the process of the job first hand, as well as hands on training. The review of policies and procedures, watching instructional videos, and perhaps taking online training courses/modules are also an important parts of onboarding.

Currently, with COVID -19 having major impacts on our health, economic and social climates, the onboarding process of many workplaces will undoubtedly look different. Maybe you are working in the essential service sector that has been overwhelmed by increased business. This could mean you have been hurried though the process just to get you on the floor completing much needed tasks and serving customers/clients as quickly as possible. Or maybe the sector you find yourself in has slowed down, and your colleagues are working from home or reduced hours. This might mean that you have not met everyone in your workplace, your client-facing work has gone virtual and you are not able to receive the hands-on training you would have had prior to the impacts of COVID-19.

In both cases, you have started a job at time when the work days are no longer “typical”. So here are some tips to help you along the way as we all navigate these changing times together:

  • Ask questions – when I started my first job as a teenager, my manager told me that “There are no stupid questions”. I still believe this, as it is important to ensure you obtain the understanding you need about processes and instructions. You are in the driver’s seat of your learning.
  • Speak up – when you need something. There can be so much going on for employers and workers right now that no one may realize that you are missing a piece of information about process, policy or instruction on how to do a part of your job. We’re all a team and by speaking up, you just might be helping someone else too.
  • Be flexible – go with the flow to meet the changing needs and trends of our current times. This might mean you are doing more aspects of your job virtually (including the onboarding process). Or maybe you will be focused on doing just one aspect of your job that is crucial to service delivery during this time, and you’ll learn the other parts of your job in a few months. Who knows? Just expect and be open to change!
  • Be patient – with yourself and others (co-workers, employers and your customers/clients). This is an overwhelming time for many and everyone is learning and figuring out what comes next – even those that have been in their positions for many years. Everyone needs, and deserves, a bit of kindness and grace right now.

Good luck to you as you embark on this next step of your career path!



Employment Consultant

May Tip of the Month

Ways for Youth to Stay Productive During COVID-19

If you are in high school, university or college you are probably wondering what the future holds for you in terms of employment. Many students had jobs lined up for the summer to help pay for next semester’s tuition or complete a practicum. Now, there may be some unexpected challenges along the way and what happens after COVID-19? The unknown can be scary, but try to stay positive as this will pass!  And remember, you are not alone! What do you have control over now that will help you to move forward when the COVID-19 is over?

Here are some tips to keep you busy and remain positive!

  • Find a Career Advisor. They are likely to offer assistance remotely and will help in finding employment options and opportunities. They also may be able to help with any concerns you have with COVID 19.
  • How will you spend your time? Now is a good time to plan for your future. Do some research on careers and think about what is of interest to you. Consider finding a free career assessment tool online, such as: https://www.workbc.ca/blueprintbuilder.
  • Continue to learn. Most schools have moved into online instruction. Ask your instructor for help if you are struggling, or see if are there any other courses you can take to boost your grades up.
  • Stay healthy. Ensure you follow guidelines set by the Provincial Government. Your physical and mental well-being is important. Stay connected with friends, family and peers. Supporting each other through this difficult time is important. Cheer out your window for the front line workers every night at 7:00 pm, sing “Oh Canada” every Sunday at noon.  Here is a list of resources to help you stay healthy both physically and mentally: https://www.studentminds.org.uk/coronavirus.html
  • Help others. During this crisis, people need help. You can volunteer with an organization, help a neighbour with getting groceries, cut their lawn, or walk their dog. Oceanside Volunteer Association is always looking for people to help out. For a list of volunteer positions in the Oceanside area: https://www.oceansidevolunteer.org/volunteer-opportunities.

When the pandemic is lifted and you apply for your next job, the employer may ask “What did you do during COVID-19?”  What will you say?

Remember Dr. Bonnie Henry’s words, “Be kind. Stay calm and stay safe. This is not forever this is just for now.”

For information on Federal Student Aid: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/covid-19-trudeau-offers-9-billion-to-students-facing-joblessness-over-pandemic


April Tip of the Month

Staying Active in Your Job Search During COVID-19

You have been in job search mode, but now are isolating at home and unsure how to proceed. Sound familiar? Here are some strategies to help keep you active and productive.

While it’s true that the pandemic has left some companies with hiring freezes, staff reductions, layoffs or closures, other sectors are ramping up their recruiting in an attempt to fill vital positions. You may be surprised at how large the list of essential services is: https://bit.ly/2JqgkY7. Start by researching the sectors of interest, then types of companies on the list. Next research and target local companies within the industry.

Once you find companies of interest, be sure to research their websites and check out their social media pages. These can usually be found as icons at the bottom of a company website or on their contact page. Consider including a paragraph in your cover letter, about why you are interested in working for their company specifically, including information that will prove your research efforts, interest and enthusiasm to the employer.

Ensure that your resume, cover letter and any other marketing documents are customized and personalized to each company and/or position. These are living, breathing documents and not meant to be static, generic, or used for multiple companies. Want to exude professionalism? Brand all your documents (including your reference contact list) by using the same font style, font content/title sizes, and letterhead across all. Avoid the use of headers and footers, which are unreadable by many applicant tracking systems (ATS).

While networking by phone and email is still a top way to find employment, be sure to have job alerts created on all your preferred job boards (e.g. CareerCentre.org, WorkBC.ca, Indeed.ca, WowJobs.ca, Glassdoor.ca, Google) for the various job titles of interest. This way you are spending less job search time surfing job boards (let’s say 20%) and more time with specific, customized job search activities (80%).

When in doubt, reach out! Stay connected to your WorkBC Employment Consultant for support. Our team is working by phone, email and virtually to serve you during this time.

Stay safe and be well,

Employer Services Coordinator

March Tip of the Month

Networking, Business Cards & Social Media

Okay. So you’ve just come back from a networking event, like a hiring fair, and have a pile of business cards you’ve collected from all the people you’ve interacted with. Now what?

In the past, we might have input the information into our computer or phone’s contacts and emailed everyone a follow-up letter. While this is a great idea, once the initial follow-up email has been sent, that’s where it may end for a number of your contacts. Let’s face it, life is busy and out of sight means out of mind.

A more current method is to first conduct a search for your new contacts on any social media sites you use: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. (Personally, I check LinkedIn first, as that’s my “go to” professional site.) From there, if the contact has a profile page, I can research further about their experience, company information, and other links prior to writing my follow-up email.

When requesting to add them to your network, be sure to write a personalized message within the body of your request. A pet peeve of many is receiving LinkedIn requests that use the generic request sentence without a reason as to why you’re connecting. Be creative and personalize your message instead!

Once connected, it’s easier to keep consistent communication with everyone and keep top of mind with your network. You can message them, or when you see their posts, you can comment, like, or share, and keep the dialogue going.  Also, while you’re networking online, don’t forget you may want to connect with people of interest in relevant groups you participate in.

Happy networking!


Employer Services Coordinator

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm