#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154


Pathway to Trades - our FREE Trades Training Sampler for Youth is back in October!


Check out our Employer of the Month and Tip of the Month for July/August 2024!

Tip of the month

August Tip of the Month

Changing Career Goals in the Changing Season

Fall into new employment opportunities by planning ahead. Summer is winding down, the kids are going back to school, summer holidays are ending and the tourists are going home. Now it’s time to think about what new opportunities await.

Fall is a time when employers are planning for the upcoming season and are forecasting what new services, programs and products they can offer their customers. Now is a great time to get a head of the game with a Ready, Set, Go attitude.

Ready – it’s time to prepare

1. Make a list of companies or organizations you would like to work for
Write down which job opportunities interest you, what appeals to you about the company or organization and how you see yourself fitting into that position.

2. Start networking
Start talking to past coworkers, family and friends and let them know what you are looking for. It’s not just what you know but who you know that may get you the job. You may already be aware of someone who works for that particular company that you can use as a reference to land you an interview.

3. Create or update your social media profiles
In today’s world, using social media to market your self is common place. Employers are using social media to advertise employment opportunities, as well as search out talent. By making sure your Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter accounts are up to date, you will show employers you’re in the loop with what’s happening and current in your communication skills. Not many employers are hiring dinosaurs lately!

4. Brush up on your skills
While you still have some free time, practice skills you haven’t used in a while. Take advantage of free online training such as GCF Learn Free. Speaking of free, the Parksville Work BC Centre (Career Centre) has free workshops you can sign up for to assist you with your job search. Have some of your certifications expired? The last part of the summer is a great time to sign up for short term courses like FoodSafe, First Aid and WHMIS. You’ll be ready when employers are asking for these qualifications.

Set – up a plan for job search or employment:

5. It takes an investment to job search. Look at your expenses and see where you can save time and money.

a. Now that the kids are back in school, although your daycare costs may be less, you might still need before or after school care. Often there is a waiting list for your child to get into a reputable daycare; contact them now to secure a spot for the fall. Apply for government programs to help pay for daycare costs.

b. How are you job searching or getting to your new job? What kind of transportation is required? For example: you may be using your car a lot more to get to work, is it in good working order? Can you use public transportation to save money? What about carpooling with a friend or co-worker. Dusting off that old bike may be an option, it’s inexpensive and you’ll get in shape in no time. These are examples to keep transportation costs down when starting a new job.

c. Dress for success. Put away your summer shorts and take inventory of what your wardrobe consist of for work appropriate clothes. Do you have interview clothing or a power suit for that presentation that will help you land your dream job? An economical way to build your clothes closet is to shop at thrift stores, and consign items you don’t wear anymore. Better yet, shop your friend’s closet. Trading clothes and accessories can be both rewarding and entertaining. Use community resources that advertise free clothes to help fill in items you need to complete your work attire. You can look great and feel good by not contributing to the landfill and saving the environment!

6. Practice your interview skills. Be ready to answer those tough questions that employers ask. Think about all the questions employers have asked in the past…which ones did you answer well or which did you struggle with? Practice makes perfect. The internet is full of questions and answers employers may ask you, so take time to research interview techniques. Practice with a friend or someone you feel comfortable with, before your interview. Not only will you feel more confident, you will feel more relaxed knowing you have the right answers to sell yourself to an employer.

Now that your budget is in place, your targeted resumes and cover letters are done, your references have been confirmed and your list of employers is completed, set up an appointment to speak with an employment consultant. They have an abundance of Labour Market information to share, will support you with your job search and help you commit to an action plan. The employment consultants can review your plan, help you make adjustments along the way, offer training and/or transportation supports to ensure a successful outcome in obtaining sustainable employment. Confirm you’re ready and set to move forward.

Now you have everything you need to fall into new opportunities or perhaps a new career. Start handing out resumes, contact employers, get on social media and market yourself. Network with your community and set up prospective interviews with employers you respect and want to work for.

Make it happen before the leaves fall!

July Tip of the Month

Are you LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the professional version of Facebook. Keep your photos of your dog and personal life on your Facebook, Instagram etc…, LinkedIn is the place to post about work endeavours and professional accomplishments with like-minded people.

Is It Worth My Time To Have a LinkedIn Profile?

Yes! Technology is changing rapidly and displaying your ability to adapt and keep up is important! The majority of employers will google search you on social media when hiring. Sometimes employers will even headhunt for employees before posting a job.

LinkedIn is an excellent way to show employers you’re prepared to go the extra mile by having a professional social media account highlighting what you bring to the table. As well, LinkedIn can help you find a job by strengthening your network and connections. The person you met years ago at a conference could end up being the hiring director for your dream job; it’s a small world out there!

Recruiters using LinkedIn to search for candidates will surely miss your profile if you don’t have one, that’s a huge pool of potential employers you’re missing out on! Spending as little as a few minutes every couple of months is all you will need to maintain a professional and engaging LinkedIn account.

How can changing your social media privacy settings drive employers to your LinkedIn profile and get you a job?

You need to be careful of what you are posting online as what you post online runs the risk of being there forever. However, you can manage your privacy settings across your social media accounts keeping them as private as possible so only friends can view your profiles. What’s great about setting all your social media accounts to private, but keeping LinkedIn completely open and viewable to the public, is it directs employers to your LinkedIn account!

Another amazing aspect of LinkedIn is they have developed their platform with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind to push your account to the top of Google’s search list. Frequently when applying to a position online there’s the option to attach your LinkedIn account, which is sure to impress an employer!

At the end of the day, why not take the extra time to create a LinkedIn account – it could be what helps you get your next job!

June Tip of the Month

Carve Out Your Job!

I recently asked the owner of a car dealership if money was no object what would be a position he would like to create in his company. He responded that if money was no object he would hire a friendly, tech-savvy person to come in and teach new car owners how to use all the computerized functions in their car. I bet you never would have thought of this as a job! I know I certainly hadn’t.

Now maybe the car dealership doesn’t have the money to create a new position, but perhaps there is a way to create your own side gig. If you can show an employer that you can:

  • Save them money,
  • Make them money, or
  • Expand their customer base,

there is a strong likelihood you may be able to carve out a job for yourself.

You may have to think outside the box of traditional employment and you may have to take on a self-employment gig, but there are opportunities out there waiting to be had.

For example, with the car dealership, you could propose to the employer that you will come to their place of business twice a week for 2 hours and meet with car owners, helping them navigate their computerized systems. Expanding the car dealerships customer base would be a great way to market it to the employer. In turn, you could request a fee for this service as a self-employed contractor. Or, perhaps they see your passion and motivation and decide to put you on the payroll. Either way you’ve created a job for yourself!

What are your passions, where do you see you could add value to a business? Perhaps answering these questions could help you carve out your next job!

May Tip of the Month


Now that you have your resume and cover letter all ready for your job applications, be sure you have an up to date, relevant list of references.


Choose people that can speak positively about your skills and experiences directly related to the position you have applied for.  Direct supervisors or managers and people you have worked closely with are ideal.  If your background is in self employment, a client may make a good reference.

If you don’t have a work history, you can ask people you volunteered for or coaches, teachers and even the neighbour whose lawn you mowed or the parents whose children you babysat.  Avoid using personal references unless the employer has specifically asked for them.

Remember, not only will prospective employers Google you, they will also Google your references.  This is often how they get their first impression of you both. If you Google yourself and your references beforehand, you will be better prepared for any questions that might arise.

Have a minimum of three references, consider more if you are applying for senior positions.


Check in with your references when you are actively applying for work.  If you are going for an interview, provide your references with a copy of the job posting and your updated resume. This will allow them to be better prepared to relate their answers directly to their experiences with you.  You can even give them some ideas about which of your skills they might like to highlight.

Make sure to show gratitude to your references, it takes time for them to do this for you.  Send them a thank you note.


List your references on a separate sheet of paper in a format that matches your resume. Include their name, position, organization/company, address, email and phone number.  Ask your reference for the best contact information to use and if there is any information they would not like included.  Make it as easy as possible for your prospective employer to contact your references.  Here is an example:

Ms. Job Reference, Greatest Boss Ever

ABC Company, 123 Street, Parksville, BC V9P 1K1

Email:  jobref@greatestsboss.ca

Work:  250-951-XXXX   Cell:  250-951-XXXX   Home: 250-951-XXXX

If you don’t include a reference from your most recent employer or one of your previous employers, be prepared to be questioned about why you didn’t.

It is not necessary to include your references in your resume when you apply, most often people wait until they have an interview.  There is no need to include “References available upon request”.  If you decide to include your references in your application, you have to be prepared that the employer may contact the reference without letting you know.

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm