#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154


Check out our Employer of the Month and Tip of the Month for the New Year - January 2025!

Tip of the month


What is One Small Thing You Can Do Today for Self-Care?

It’s a new year and why not start off by taking good care of you! It’s a great first step in working towards that new job or career you’ve been considering!

Ever wonder what happens when you don’t take care of yourself?

Consequences of Not Practicing Self-Care:

Jacqueline Getchius, a licensed professional clinical counsellor, lists the consequences of not practicing self-care on Psych Central which include:

• Low energy
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Less patience
• Increased headaches, stomach aches and other physical symptoms of stress
• Difficulty falling and staying asleep
• Binge eating or increase in unhealthy eating habits
• Worsening mental health symptoms
• Burnout
• Difficulties concentrating
• Relationship challenges or strains
• Reduction in performance at work
• Less motivation to engage in social activities

 https://eugenetherapy.com/article/50-self-care-ideas-for-a-bad-day/

 See a Doctor Online: https://www.telus.com/en/personal-health/my-care/doctors

 Video – 5 Self Care Tips When You Feel Broken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7pkZmJSXLY

 https://cmha-yr.on.ca/get-support/

 https://bouncebackbc.ca/

Crisis Lines · Vancouver Island Crisis Line 1-888-494-3888 · 1800SUICIDE 1-800-784-2433 · Mental Health Support 310-6789 (no need for “1” in front of this number) Talk Suicide Canada 1-833-456-4566.

In this new year, let’s all make a point of taking good care of ourselves. The results will benefit not only ourselves, but everyone around us – employers and job seekers alike!



It’s easy to get bogged down this time of year. The holidays are upon us, it’s almost a new year, it feels like money is going out in a steady river and you might be looking for a new job. Whether you’re unemployed, underemployed, or looking for a change, it’s important to make a conscious choice to remain positive and thankful for all that you currently have. Here are some of my favourite articles and pointers on how to keep an attitude of gratitude this holiday season.

6 simple tips for staying thankful during a tough job search:


If you’re struggling to keep motivated and positive during your job search, a journal may help enormously:

How to Keep a Gratitude Journal During Your Job Search

Do you need to be shown why it pays to be optimistic? This article is for you!

3 Ways Having Gratitude Improves Your Job Search Results

In this Ted Talk, Brother David Steindl-Rast tells us how to use gratitude in your job search:


There are many benefits to practicing gratitude which may lead to a more positive job search outcome. A quick google search reveals an almost limitless supply of articles from many points of view. Science tells us that people who regularly practice gratitude by taking the time to observe, be present, reflect, and demonstrate compassion and kindness towards others, tend to experience more positive emotions, are more resilient, sleep better, and have lower stress and anxiety levels. All of which, can potentially impact the outcome of your job search efforts in a very positive way!

November 2022 – TIP OF THE MONTH

Informational Interviews!

Are you searching for a new career but need help figuring out where to start? In addition to contacting your local WorkBC Centre for assistance, you could broaden your job horizon by conducting Informational Interviews.

What is an Informational Interview?

Informational interviews are when the job seeker (you), interviews the person who would typically conduct the job interview. Informational Interviews are usually less formal than job interviews and are more of a conversation you guide with your questions. Perhaps there is an organization that aligns with your passion or values, but you are unsure if your skills fit any of the roles they are recruiting for. An Informational Interview can be a great tool to learn about the necessary skills before you apply. Or, perhaps you are considering switching to a new industry and your knowledge about the type of jobs available is limited. In either of these situations, an Informational Interview can be a great way to get your foot in the door at an organization you are interested in learning more about as you conduct your full job search.

 How to get an Informational Interview?

You can phone and ask if it is possible to meet briefly with the employer (or hiring manager). Be sure to share with them that the purpose of your request is to learn more about the organization and the different employment opportunities available. Likewise, if you are shopping at a business that interests you, and they have a “Help Wanted” sign posted, this can be excellent time to inquire if someone might be available to chat about what it is like to work there. An Informational Interview of this kind may even lead to an on-the-spot job interview!  In either situation, be sure you have your questions prepared and that you have a way to record a few notes during the interview.

Should I bring a list of questions to an Informational Interview?

YES! As mentioned above, bring a written list of at least three relevant questions to ask about working in the industry, or that are specific to the organization. This step not only shows you are eager and motivated, but also demonstrates you are organized and a critical thinker!

Example Questions to ask in an Informational Interview:    

Your questions will need to tailored to suit the person you are meeting with. For example, if the person you are meeting with currently holds a similar position you are interested in, you would ask, “What do you like most about your work?”  However, if the person you are meeting with is from the HR department, you would ask “What do most people who work here say they like about their work?

The following questions are suggestions for when you meeting with someone who currently works in the occupation you are inquiring about:

  • What do you like best about the type of work you do?
  • What do you like the least about the type of work you do?
  • What kinds of problems do you deal with?
  • What do you perceive the organization’s culture to be? What type of person do you think bests fits this culture?
  • What type of training opportunities are offered to employees in this industry?
  • What are your main responsibilities as a…?
  • What is a typical day (or week) like for you?

Most importantly, one of your questions should be “Are you hiring?” If the position is advertised, then there is no need to ask. However, if there are no current postings, be sure to ask about their hiring plans as you conclude the interview. Lastly, be sure to ask if they have any feedback or suggestions and show your gratitude for the time they spent with you.

Informational Interviews are great as they are low-pressure, less formal than a job interview, and the conversation can showcase your interest in the organization/industry, presenting an opportunity to let them know you are serious in your job search.  As well, an informational interview may encourage them to consider how your current skills might be a potential fit for future opportunities!

Keep in touch – we’d love to hear about your next Informational Interview experience!


September 2022 – TIP OF THE MONTH

September is Disability Employment month in British Columbia, and the Career Centre is celebrating the contributions of people with disabilities in the workforce, as well as the employers and communities that support their success. More than a half million British Columbians live with some form of disability including physical, mental and emotional.

Some barriers people with disabilities may face in the workplace include discrimination during the recruitment process, lack of disability awareness on the part of the employer, and an unwillingness to provide reasonable accommodations.  During the hiring process employers are obligated to avoid inappropriate lines of questioning and to provide reasonable accommodation such as providing written materials in accessible formats and ensuring that all aspects of the application process can be held in accessible locations. Employers could hold false beliefs that employees with disabilities are less productive with lower capacity, costly, and harder to dismiss for underperformance. The fact is that people with disabilities represent a highly-skilled yet under-utilized pool of individuals that could supply the workforce demand that exists today. According to the Job Accommodation Network 57% of employees with disabilities cost their organizations nothing to accommodate with the majority of requests being for flexible work hours, requests for job redesign and requests for additional training.  According to Statistics Canada, the most frequently required workplace accommodation was flexible work schedules in the form of modified hours or days, or reduced work hours.

If you have a disability and are seeking employment, you may be torn on whether to disclose your disability to the prospective employer. You are not legally required to disclose your disability if you do not need accommodations, but consider your strengths and barriers and apply for a position in which you will be successful. The publication, Disclosing Your Disability – A Legal Guide for People with Disabilities in BC  produced by the Disability Alliance of BC, has great information on disclosing your disability and accommodations, including a table on the advantages and disadvantages of disclosure at various stages of your job search.  Remember, employers may ask if you are able to meet the requirements of the job, although they legally cannot ask if you have a disability in an interview.

It requires resilience and courage to apply for and sustain employment, as well as fully participate in one’s community when faced with a life-changing disability.  By focusing on what you have to offer because of the barriers you overcome, paired with the compassion, understanding and accommodation of employers, we can work together to have an inclusive community.





Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm