#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154

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JAM (Jobs and More Update...)

Don't miss our Employer of the Month for March 2025!

Tip of the month


The Hiring Fair returns and local employers are looking for you! Plan on attending the Career Centre’s 2022 Hiring Fair, Thursday April 7th from 12:30pm-3:30pm at the Qualicum & District Curling Club, 644 Memorial Ave. in Qualicum Beach and keep on reading for tips to make sure you arrive prepared!

Find out which employers are currently registered: https://www.careercentre.org/hiring-fair/

Below are eight tips for success as you prepare for the Career Fair!

Step 1: Attend the ‘How to Prepare for a Hiring Fair’ workshop. Learn networking strategies so you can feel confident when you meet face-to-face with employers. Understand what you need to prepare in advance, to plan your strategy during the event and have a plan for follow-up after the Hiring Fair. Register for a session here: https://www.careercentre.org/workshops-events/

Step 2: Dress for Success. This is no different than attending a job interview at an employer’s place of business, so you need to dress appropriately, Business Casual is the standard.

Step 3: Research Registered Employers. You can get a step ahead of the competition by consulting the list of companies attending the fair and doing some research on each of the employers that interest you. Check the employer’s website and pay attention to the organization’s values and mission statement; you can find out a lot about a company by doing research online and come prepared with a list of questions to ask.  Did you know there are over 65 employer profiles on the Employer of the Month section of our website?

Step 4: Bring Several Copies of Your Resume. Bring a folder with you containing a list of the employers you want to meet with and several copies of your resume, cover letter (addressed to each specific employer) and your references (although it is more appropriate to provide these following an interview – but you could be offered an on-the-spot interview). Be prepared to hand out additional resumes to employers not on your list.   (There are over 50 employers in the room!) If you need assistance with creating/updating your resume be sure to attend the Career Centre’s Resumes and Cover Letters workshop prior to the Hiring Fair.

Step 5: Be Prepared for an Interview. You may have two to five minutes with an employer so come prepared to market yourself, knowing what you would like to say helps you make the most of your time. Developing a one-minute “elevator speech” to highlight your qualifications is a great idea. For more information on marketing yourself, consider the Career Centre’s Branding “YOU” and/or Acing the Interview workshops.

Step 6: Network! Network! Network! Practice making eye contact as you speak with the employers to assist in making a good first impression. Although you may be nervous, a Hiring Fair is a great opportunity to connect with employers and practice – so try to push yourself to connect with as many people as you can.

Step 7: Collect Contact Information. Write down the name of the person and company you are interested in and their contact information or make sure to get a business card from them. This will support you with Step 8.

Step 8: Send a Thank-you Note. Stay ahead of your competition by sending a thank you note or an e-mail to your employers of choice the next day. If you do this via e-mail, make sure it is in proper business language; no jargon, abbreviations or spelling mistakes.

A reminder the Career Centre’s Hiring Fair is a free event for job seekers to connect with local employers. For information on upcoming workshops or to register, call 250-248-3205. We look forward to seeing you on April 7th!



The month of love, groundhogs, and your next new job!

It is definitely an interesting time for job seekers right now, and a challenging time for employers.  As the local labour market attempts to bounce back from the impacts of the pandemic, we are seeing changes to how employers are looking for staff.

The next time you are out in the community, pay attention to the return of this sign.









Local employers are utilizing a variety of methods to advertise their positions, and you may have noticed the help wanted sign has made a significant comeback in popularity.  Online job advertisements are not bringing in the job seekers at the same pace as before the pandemic, so who better to ask if they are interested in a job than their customers.  The thought process being, if someone is interested in shopping at their store, perhaps they are interested in working there as well.

As a job seeker, you will want to keep a copy of your resume with you when you are out in the community.  Over the last few months, I have worked with several clients who have walked into a business, noticed a help wanted sign, and have asked to speak with a manager.  Quite a few are getting on-the-spot interviews, and some are even hired immediately.

The other trend I have noticed is the job seeker who takes the extra initiative in their job search, such as going into a business and asking if they are hiring, even if there is no “help wanted” sign posted. This has also resulted in positive responses.

For the most part, employers are always looking for talent.  You can create an opportunity to showcase your ability to be resourceful by asking to speak with the manager or owner, and it just may result in an interview or job offer!


Mich Roy
Employment Consultant





We all feel overwhelmed and stressed at times.  But with the current health crisis we are experiencing, those feelings might be even more exaggerated.  During uncertain times, it’s perfectly normal for fear and anxiety to creep in as well as thoughts of anger and sadness.  These feelings can leave you feeling helpless and discouraged.  They can even affect your physical health in ways such as sleeplessness, headaches, and fatigue.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to recognize these feelings and allow yourself some “down time” to rest and recharge.  Practicing self-care is vital for your physical, emotional and mental well-being.  But often, people feel that self-care is selfish or indulgent.  Let’s explore some of these myths and understand the importance of self-care

Myth #1: Self-care is selfish.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  When you take time for yourself and get sufficient rest and exercise, you feel more energetic and are less likely to lash out or project your negative feelings on others.  It’s actually one of the healthiest things you can do to recharge and connect with those around you.

Myth #2: The effects of self-care are temporary.  In truth, self-care is so much more than just getting a massage or taking a short walk to relax.  True self-care is finding not only what helps you unwind, but what recharges you for more than the length of a bubble bath.  Not only is it important to find something specific that works for you, spending time being mindful during self-care activities will help increase the benefits.

Myth #3: Self-care is just for women.  Women certainly have many challenges these days, but men are just as susceptible to stress and burnout.  Any adult, male or female can benefit from the practice of regular self-care.

Myth #4: Self-care takes too much time.  We are all busy, but self-care does not require a huge chunk of time from your busy day.   However, instead of waiting to see if you have idle time on your hands, add some self-care time to your schedule and plan your day around it.  Make it a regular part of your routine instead of something you fit in if you have time.

Myth #5:  Self-care is doing anything that soothes you.  It’s important that self-care is something you enjoy doing.  But overindulging on food, watching excessive amounts of TV, or drinking alcohol are the opposite of self-care.  Self-care should support and promote health and wellness and should not be addictive or harmful to your body.

Myth #6:  Self-care is the same for everyone.  While we all have challenges and stressors in our lives, the way we each handle those issues is different.  The ways we unwind and recharge also vary from person to person. For some, scheduling a golf outing or hike might be the ticket.  For others, a yoga class or massage is what they need to get back on track.  Some people need to carve out time to meditate or just to take a nap.  Self-care is different for each person.

Source: American Family Care (https://www.afcurgentcare.com/blog/debunking-the-myths-of-self-care )

During your job search, try to keep the above myths in mind as you:

  • Create a Daily Schedule (Purpose & Momentum)
  • Embrace Flexibility (I’m willing to…)
  • Celebrate Successes (Small Steps)
  • Get Outside! (Self-Care)
  • Set Goals (Motivation)

“There are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling leaves and remember that it is enough to be taken care of by myself.” ~Brian Andreas


How to Address an Employment Gap

Most people looking for employment have a gap in their employment history at some point for some reason.  When you are ready to get back into the workforce and begin submitting your resume to potential employers, it’s hard not to be a little worried about how the time gap might look on your resume.  As we know, the pandemic has disrupted many people’s lives and this may show up as an employment gap on a resume.  Likewise, you may have taken time out of the workforce while being a caregiver, relocating, upgrading your education, or for a medical or health issue.

Here are some helpful hints on how to proceed in your job search efforts despite having time gaps in your employment history:

  • An employment gap that requires explanation is six months or more – try not to be too concerned over a few months as most employers will not see this as a “red flag” if the majority of your work history is consistent.


  • It’s your option to list the gap with related activity on your resume – For example: 2015  –  2016         Fulltime Caregiving for family member  There is no need to mention if this was caring for your mother, child, spouse etc as this information is personal).  This demonstrates to a potential employer you are being straightforward about your circumstance and not simply trying to hide behind dates.   It is really important not to use false dates to hide a gap in employment.


  • Discuss the gap in your cover letter – be honest about the time away from the workforce while remaining focused on how motivated you are to be applying for this position and how your skills align with the role,


  • Be prepared to speak to the gap during the interview – think about how you would like to answer an employer’s questions about a period of unemployment should they ask. Many employers are not as concerned about an employment gap, especially those since March 2020.  Focus on any courses or skills you might have been updating, if you were volunteering or caregiving.  Make an effort to steer the conversation in the direction that you are now actively engaged in attaining employment.

Employment gaps in your resume don’t have to hold you back from securing future employment when you address them clearly and honestly during the application and interview process.  The most important way to minimize any potential focus on an employment gap is to emphasis the skills you have and highlight your qualities which suit the position and the organization.


Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm