#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154

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October Tip of the Month

Self Employment – It Could be for You!

Small Business Week on October 15-21, 2017 is an annual celebration of entrepreneurship. Did you know in British Columbia, 79% of small businesses are micro businesses with fewer than 5 employees? In fact, Vancouver Island holds the second largest concentration of small businesses after Mainland/Southwest region of BC.

Have you considered self-employment or are you hiding your inner entrepreneur?  Maybe you think all entrepreneurs are risk-takers, aggressive, have it all together, energetic, outgoing extroverts.  The good news is we are all entrepreneurs and by appreciating who we really are, we can build a business to fit our personality.

Myths are being busted about the personal qualities that are needed in order to be a successful entrepreneur.  Introvert, shy, highly sensitive, unconventional, non-conformist or non-traditional are all terms that have been used in a negative way to describe personalities, especially when it comes to business. However, if you consider the advantages these personalities bring to the table, you won’t have any trouble seeing them as assets.  We have gathered some suggested readings from authors writing on this subject that will have you appreciating your entrepreneurial potential (some are available in our resource room and at the library or online).

  • The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms by Beth L. Buelow
  • The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators by Chris Brogan
  • How to be Everything and Renaissance Business (Modern guides for creative people with multiple passions and interests) by Emilie Wapnick
  • Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days by Chris Guillebeau

Get to know yourself, appreciate your uniqueness and be a trailblazer in your own unique way.

The Career Centre can assist you in this journey through a number of workshops on getting to know yourself better:

  • MBTI – Myers Briggs Type Indicator
  • ICS – Implicit Career Search
  • Creating Your Own Employment
  • Self-care for Job Seekers


Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm