#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154

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Don't miss our Employer of the Month for March 2025!

Posts Tagged ‘employer’


Featuring all 2024 Hiring Fair Participants 

2024 Hiring Fair

Each month, the Career Centre features one local employer as the Employer of the Month.  To assist you in preparing for the 2024 Hiring Fair on March 8th, we are including all Hiring Fair employer participants in one convenient list.  Click on the employer name to be directed to their website or the Career Section of their website.

19 Wing Comox RCAF Reserves

BCEHS – BC Ambulance

BC Infrustructure Benefits

BGC Central Vancouver Island

Bayshore Home Health

Beach Acres Resort

The Beach Club Resort

Berwick Retirement Communities

Black & White Event Rentals

Blooming Lovely Custom Landscaping

Bonaventure Support Services

Boston Pizza

CVIMS – Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society

Career Centre

City of Parksville

Comfort Keepers

Cuckoo Trattoria and Pizzeria

DFO – Department of Fisheries and Oceans

DKI Pro Pacific Restoration

Deez Bar & Grill

Express Custom Trailer Mfg. Inc.

Footprints Security

Inclusion Parksville Society

Island Health

Island Surf Company

K. & S. Railings Ltd.


Ministry of Children and Family Development

Morningstar Golf Club

Nanoose Bay Cafe

NPower Canada

Nurse Next Door – Qualicum

Old Country Market

Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce

Parksville Downtown Business Association

Pathfinder Camp Resorts (Parksville) Inc.

Qualicum Beach Cafe


RCMP 9-1-1 Police Dispatch Recruiting

RLC Park Services

Society of Organized Services

Sprott Shaw College – Nanaimo

Stanford Seniors Village

Thrive Landscapes Ltd

Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort & Conference Centre

Waypoint Insurance

WorkBC Assistive Technology Services



Tell us about your organization and what makes you stand out as an employer?

Arrowsmith Health Care Society is a not-for-profit health care provider that offers long-term care services, assisted living, and day programming for adults in the community.  We are a unionized employer that offers a comprehensive benefits package, paid sick leave, pension plan and matching wages to the Health Authority pay rates.

All of our rooms at Arrowsmith Lodge are subsidized by Island Health and our suites at Cokely Manor are subsidized by both Island Health and BC Housing.

Health Care is a growth industry, adding more and more positions, job security and rewarding work conditions in order to help others.

How many employees do you have?

We employ approximately 180 people.  That includes full-time, part-time and casual.

What do you look for in a new employee?

We look for people who are good critical thinkers, able to adapt to an ever-changing environment, and have a passion for helping others.  Every person is equally important here, every department has to work with each other as a team in order to make everything run smoothly. We are a 24 hour operator, so need workers around the clock, weekends, and we offer flexible shifts.

Do you anticipate hiring in the next 6 months?  If so for what types of positions?

Yes, we are hiring now!!  There are numerous positions: housekeeping, laundry, dietary aide, cooks, care aides, registered nurses, licenced practical nurses, and activity aides.

What is the best way for someone to apply if they are interested in working for your organization?

Drop off a resume and cover letter at 266B Moilliet Street.  It is always best if you can deliver it to the Manager responsible in your area of interest, provided they are available.

  • Care: Karen Fredlund
  • Housekeeping and Dietary: Sheila Monaghan
  • Activities: Heidi Barker

Resumes will also be accepted via email to scheduler@arrowsmithlodge.ca


Coombs Country Campground


coombs country campground

Tell us about your business/organization and what makes you stand out as an employer?

We think of our group as a team.  It takes team effort to continue the tradition of great customer service and making sure our guests are truly “happy campers.”  The owners and management value the staff and their contribution to the business.  As a result, we make every effort to accommodate, support and train our team.

How many employees do you have?

Currently, we have a fantastic and cohesive team of six people working in different capacities.

What do you look for in a new employee?

Working with us is dynamic as we are a people-centered operation striving to meet the expectations of our guests.  There is never a dull moment.  During the summer season we operate seven days a week, up to 12 hours a day.  Your shift could range from 4 – 8 hours.  We make every effort to accommodate the needs and availability of our staff.  We also look for dependability, honesty and people who like people.

What advice would you give someone who wants to work for your organization?

Working with us is dynamic.  Each day brings new people, new issues and challenges. There is never a dull moment.  Whether you work in the office, on the operations, housekeeping or security, review the website to learn of our policies and procedures.  Ask questions!  We are very happy to answer any questions and prefer lots or questions to guessing wrong.

Do you anticipate hiring in the next 6 months? If so, for what types of positions?

We are looking for enthusiastic candidates to help us fill our summer positions. Two office/store positions, two housekeeping positions, one operations position and one security position.

 What is the best way for someone to apply if they are interested in working for your business?

Send resume to:  mgproperties01@gmail.com   If you would like to speak with us, please call, 250-248-9371.  If there is no answer, please leave a message as we return all calls within 24 hours.



2023 Hiring Fair

Each month, the Career Centre features one local employer as the Employer of the Month.  To assist you in preparing for the 2023 Hiring Fair on March 16th, we are including all Hiring Fair employer participants in one convenient list.  Click on the employer name to be directed to their website or the Career Section of their website.

BCCA – Skilled Trades Employment Program

BCEHS – BC Ambulance

BC Infrastructure Benefits

BGC Central Vancouver Island

Bayshore Home Health

Beach Acres Resort

The Beach Club Resort

Berwick Retirement Communities

Black & White Event Rentals

Blooming Lovely Custom Landscaping

Choice Dementia Services

Coastal Community Credit Union

Comfort Keepers

Coombs Country Campground

Excel Career College

BC First Nations Forestry Council

Forward House Community Society

Inclusion Parksville


Island Crisis Care Society

Island Health

Island Health Indigenous Recruitment and Retention Program

Kindred Coast

Little Qualicum Cheeseworks

Mid Island Co-op

Morningstar Golf Club

North Island College

Nurse Next Door – Nanaimo

Nurse Next Door – Qualicum

Old Country Market

Pickard Construction

Qualicum Beach Café

Quality Foods

RBC Royal Bank

RCMP 9-1-1 Police Dispatch Recruiting

RCMP (Police Officer Positions)

RLC Park Services

Regional District of Nanaimo – Recreation (RDN)

Riptide Lagoon Adventure Golf

Riverside Resort & Campground

Roto-Rooter Plumbers

Rotor Maxx Support

Royal Canadian Air Force Reserve

School District 69 (Qualicum)

Society of Organized Services (SOS)

Sunrise Ridge Waterfront Resort

Thrive Landscapes Ltd

Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Resort & Conference Centre

Vancouver Island Rubber Surfacing


Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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Career Centre logo

#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm