#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154

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Posts Tagged ‘local employers’


How the WorkBC Wage Subsidy Program may help you land your next job

Sometimes, when we are looking for work, we find ourselves in a dilemma: we can’t get a job because we lack experience, and we can’t gain experience without a job.  If this sounds familiar, the WorkBC Wage Subsidy program might be a solution for you.

The Wage Subsidy program can help job seekers connect with employers who are willing to hire them and provide on-the-job training, supervision, and coaching. Eligible employers receive a reimbursement for a portion of the wages they pay. This financial incentive helps offset the cost of training while an individual builds their skills.

You may be eligible for the program if you are unemployed (or working very few hours each week).  It is not necessary to be receiving Employment Insurance or Income Assistance to qualify; all unemployed residents of British Columbia can access services and support from an Employment Consultant. An Employment Consultant will assess your skills and experience against the local job market and skills requirements, and review your recent job search activities to determine if the Wage Subsidy program is a good fit for you.

Some scenarios where the Wage Subsidy program could be suitable are:

  • You have some relevant work experience, but it is outdated or from a different region or industry.
  • Your previous occupation is no longer in demand, requiring a career change.
  • You recently completed a related educational program but lack practical experience.
  • You are returning to the workforce following an injury/health situation which has impacted your ability to work

The above is not a complete list of examples and each person’s situation is considered on a case-by-case basis.

Generally speaking, employers’ eligible for the program include businesses and non-profits that operate in BC, demonstrate appropriate insurance and WorkSafeBC coverage is in place, and are committed to providing fulsome on the job training with supervision. (Government bodies and agencies, such as BC Ferries, Island Health, RCMP, Municipalities, etc. are not eligible for the funding.)  Our staff is also available to support our local employers with each step of the wage subsidy application and claim submission process.

If you would like more information and are already working with an Employment Consultant, please ask about the Wage Subsidy program during your next appointment. If you are not yet connected with WorkBC, call 250.248.3205 to inquire about registering for services.




If you are looking for work, plan to attend the WorkBC Hiring Fair hosted by the Career Centre on Thursday March 16th from 12pm-4pm at Ecole Ballenas Secondary School in Parksville. With upwards of 50 employers on-site, this is a unique opportunity and a terrific way for job seekers to connect face-to-face with businesses who are looking to hire!

Here are some tips and suggestions on how to start planning for the job fair and your job search in general – we want you to be successful!

Step 1: Attend a “How to Prepare for a Hiring Fair” workshop

Learn networking strategies to ensure your success when you meet face-to-face with employers. Understand what you need to prepare before, during and after the Hiring Fair. Watch for these workshops coming up in early March.

Step 2: Dress for Success

This is no different than attending a job interview at an employer’s place of business, so you need to dress neatly and appropriately. If you need interview attire, set up an appointment to see an employment consultant here at the Career Centre – we can help.

Step 3: Research Registered Employers

You can get a step ahead of the competition by checking the list of businesses participating in the fair and researching your favourites! You can learn a lot about a company by looking online, including a glimpse of their work culture and values. After completing your research, prepare a list of questions to ask employers when you are at the Hiring Fair.

Step 4: Bring Several Copies of Your Resume

Take a folder with you containing a list of the employers you want to meet, as well as several copies of your resume, cover letters (addressed to specific employers) and letters of reference (if you have them). Be prepared to hand out additional resumes to employers not on your list. If you need assistance with creating/updating your resume, be sure to attend our Resumes and Cover Letters workshop prior to the Hiring Fair (workshops run February 6 and 22).

Step 5: Be Prepared for an Impromptu Interview

You may have two to five minutes to market yourself to a potential employer and gather information, so make the most of your time. Prior to attending, develop a one-minute “presentation statement” to highlight your qualifications. For more information on marketing yourself, consider attending our Branding “YOU”  workshop (February 7 and 21) and/or Acing the Interview (February 7 and 27).

Step 6: Network! Network! Network!

Practice the perfect greeting including eye contact, as this will make a good first impression. A Hiring Fair is a great opportunity to connect with employers and other job seekers that can support moving your career forward. Push yourself to connect with as many people as you can at the Hiring Fair.

Step 7: Collect Contact Information

Write down the name of the person and company you are interested in and their contact information, or make sure to ask for a business card from them. This will support you with Step 8.

Step 8: Send a Thank-you Note

Stay ahead of your competition by sending a thank-you note or email to your employers of choice the next day. If you do this via email, make sure it is in proper business language; no jargon, abbreviations or spelling mistakes.

The Career Centre’s Hiring Fair is a free event for job seekers to connect with local employers. For information on upcoming workshops or to register, call 250.248.3205.

We look forward to seeing you on March 16th at Ecole Ballenas Secondary School from 12-4pm!


13 – February 2022 News
IN THIS ISSUE: We LOVE the month of February!; Super Heroes Wanted! Don’t miss the Berwick Parksville Career Fair being held at the Career Centre; Save the date for our Annual Hiring Fair April 7 from 12-4pm; Don’t miss our Vlogs!; Employer of the Month is Inclusion Parksville Society; Don’t miss our February workshops; Family Day closure and more!

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm